Why just speak? Inspire!

Here you can get a glimpse of how I help speakers - to overcome their fears, take space with their bodies and voices - so audiences are moved to action.

Director & Edit: Tom Meyer; Camera: Daniel Gerlach (2017)

Dyane Neiman public speaking trainer

If you want to change your world,

become a  better  speaker.

When you sharpen your speaking skills, recognize your natural talents, and tap into your passion - it makes a difference.

What do you want?

When you share your ideas, people listen?

When you lead a meeting, you inspire people to take action!

Better communication skills will change your life forever.


    In public speaking courses in Berlin or around the world with online 1-to-1 coaching - you can become better at public speaking.

    Your mindset is key! How do you turn down the volume of negative thoughts? Your body: how do you create an expansive shape that radiants confidence and credibility to audiences? Your content: is your message easy to quickly understand? Are you believable? Engaging?

    And once you have achieved all this - the biggest question: WHY should audiences care?

    This is Moving Speaker’s niche: moving people to care and act.

    Photo: Hinemoana Baker speaking at THE bEAR.

    Speak like a Pro

    Storytelling is the most powerful form of communication. Why? Science has proven what we have realized intuitively for 500,000 years: because we all have stories to tell - stories connect.

    Stories allows listeners to see a different perspective; Understand complex topics more easily. Stories is THE way to get listeners to care and be moved to act.

    So why aren’t you telling more stories?

    Learn how to tell stories for leadership, motivation, education, sales, and and any other high-stake situation where you need a full-proof solution to convince audiences.

    Stories transform eyes into ears.

    Business Storytelling

    Is it possible to share a complex idea in a 3-minute pitch and get people interested to find out more? Yes it is! I guided a team of entrepreneurs to convince the jury of their business idea in a high-stake competition. They won two awards!

    Presentation Course Berlin

Why just speak? When every time you stand up you have the opportunity to change your world - with each talk, story, and presentation you deliver!

Your greatest speaking asset is you

I believe there are countless ways to be a better speaker. Some speakers convince us with the originality of their ideas, others with their intellect or charm; still others it’s their commitment and passion; or their wit and warmness; their personality or poesie. For as many people we are in the world - that is how many ways there are to effectively express yourself so people listen. When you stand up and speak in the unique mix of talent, skills, and perspective that is entirely yours - you are almost there. By adding more skill to your structure, more dynamic to your voice, more emotion and presence in your delivery - people will be moved to action: whether it’s to consider an idea, change a behavior or attitude, buy a service or product.

All that can happen! If you act…

Last week, my client Gökmen Güven, co-founder & CEO of Buluttan in Istanbul, Turkey said to me: “Dyane, what I learned today is not just for my pitch, it’s something for my life!

I agree: Getting better at communications skill IS a life essential skill.


  • "Working with Dyane for over two months was a transformational experience. I learned techniques and developed my skills in public speaking and interpersonal communication, but the benefits of her coaching went beyond that. Our sessions were occasions for self-exploration, and Dyane guides with a light touch. As someone who felt dread at the prospect of public speaking, Dyane was the Virgil to my Dante."

    April Matias, "Woman in Tech"; sennder GmbH

  • Dyane coached us for our investor pitch. She was hands-on, specific, and patient to help us bring out the story behind our business. What impressed me the most was that she came one day earlier, just to take notes for our session together the next day.

    Achitra Borgohain, Founder of Binbag Recycling Services Pvt Ltd; Bangalore, India

  • "Dyane brings energy and a depth of understanding about public speaking that are truly inspiring beside her generous and kind rapport, which generates immediate trust and a great learning space."

    Stan Cutzach; Transparency International

  • “I doubted that I would ever be able deliver such a personal speech in front of an audience. However, the feedback and the lessons that I learned from Dyane gave me the confidence to push myself to the next level.”

    David Rubio at Dalia Research, Berlin

  • Without a doubt you helped us all remember that inside our scientific personas there is another persona - us.

    Norm M., PhD; award-winning scientist at Roche Innovation Center Basel

  • "...You've taught me that leadership is not about fitting into norms, but about challenging them. You've shown me how much can be achieved through bursts of creativity and lots of pure enthusiasm!"

    Khushi Pasquale, international award-winning public speaker; founder of Toastmasters Central Berlin; EU leadership roles for Toastmasters International

  • “Dyane helped us write a true and emotional story, and guided me on how to tell it. Using my voice, my body, my movements, my face, owning the stage, getting the audience to fall in love with our project… Dyane’s coaching sessions were definitely the best decision we ever made. I learned a lot, not only for this particular pitch, but for my job and my life.”

    Sofia Nürnberger, GIZ & Winning Pitch at the GIZ Innovation Fund 2018/19 from over 100 applicants

  • Dyane is a great professional, but first of all she is an artist! She is creative, passionate, brilliant and very sensitive. Her great communicational skills and her original perspectives on things, made the difference. I am very happy with the work we did together. Thanks Dyane, you rock!"

    Antonella Radicchi, selected speaker for the Falling Walls Lab Berlin

  • "Thank you for all the support and suggestions you did. I learnt a lot from you and this will help me in the future for other presentations. It was a great experience for me."

    Dr. Stefan S, Clinical Pharmacologist at Roche Innovation Center Basel, Switzerland

  • Dyane's coaching style was warm, encouraging and consistently focused the outcomes that I wanted to achieve. I bounced around on topics a bit and she was able to not only track with me, but find the common threads, which provided me with the opportunity to have some important insights. Dyane is a generous, insightful and attuned coach who provided me with just the right mix of support, guidance and encouragement. I want to thank you for your excellent coaching - hands down the best I have received..."

    Sharon P.; human resources professional & coach in California, USA

  • “… Dyane's approach felt like a soft mirror and facilitated a dialogue with myself, my ideas and dreams, but also the problems and fears that often block me from moving forward in the production of my projects.”

    Professional choreographer in Berlin (name withheld on request)

  • "Oh my god. I nailed it. People lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvved me. (Yeah, with that many v's). All thanks to you. I'd be nothing and crying in a dumpster without you. It really means a lot, all the help you have done all these days. You're the best coach there is. Side note, I have been invited to speak in another conference in Romania, been offered a business opportunity and I have advised 3 businesses in the last 2 hours after my speech. Apart from me trying to get away from the crowd that kept asking me questions. I know that it was all you, your structures and your coaching ."

    Ryan Sivan, IT entrepreneur & professional speaker

  • "Dyane is a perceptive, talented and generous coach. She helped me to arrive at solutions by making me more aware of my own skills and talents. The coaching I received from Dyane coincided with a very challenging phase of my professional life; the coaching helped me to see things more clearly, and also to place these things in the proper perspective. Dyane was also extremely valuable in helping me to set short term goals to deal with the various challenges, as well as encouraging and supporting me to think about long-term goals and to remain orientated towards the future. The coaching with Dyane was a valuable and enriching experience and I can highly recommend it."

    Arwa Hassan, Expert for the Middle East North Africa Region

  • "From the moment Dyane stepped onto the virtual stage to present about the power of storytelling, the audience was captivated, absorbed, and rivetted. Her ability to communicate using body language, voice, and movement taught the audience the importance of using every tool at your disposal to bring your story to life while tacking thought provoking questions such as: “Why do I do the job I do”, “Whom has wind energy has helped”, and “Why women in leadership make a difference”. As Director of the WiW Global Leadership Program, is was an absolute pleasure to collaborate with Dyane and look forward to working with her in the future. Her passion for her work shines through each story she empowers a fellow woman to weave. Her legacy within The Program will be inspiring more women to use their unique story to become agents of change within the wind industry."

    Jeanette Mwendwa Gitobu - Director, Women in Wind Global Leadership Program Global Wind Energy Council

  • "With Dyane, I reevaluated everything what I thought life means to me. As a result, I was able to steer my life in a different direction and make decisions that fulfill me. As for example, I got the courage to take a sabbatical for one year from my work. Dyane was very attentive, compassionate and, very important for me, respected my own pace. She let me find my own answers, thus the joy of discovery was amazing. Dyane also knows to really listen and to say the words I needed to hear - very subtile, but very effective. The coaching experience is a process: I've learned a lot, and most important it has become part of me - being mindful, be aware, being non-judgmental, taking care of the words I use to myself and to others."

    Diana C; IT expert in Berlin (full name withheld as requested)

It has been a joy to work with these clients:

If you are interested to become a better speaker,

let’s have a 15-minute discovery call to find out more about each other.