Why just speak? Inspire!
Here you can get a glimpse of how I help speakers - to overcome their fears, take space with their bodies and voices - so audiences are moved to action.
Director & Edit: Tom Meyer; Camera: Daniel Gerlach (2017)
If you want to change your world,
become a better speaker.
When you sharpen your speaking skills, recognize your natural talents, and tap into your passion - it makes a difference.
What do you want?
When you share your ideas, people listen?
When you lead a meeting, you inspire people to take action!
Better communication skills will change your life forever.
In public speaking courses in Berlin or around the world with online 1-to-1 coaching - you can become better at public speaking.
Your mindset is key! How do you turn down the volume of negative thoughts? Your body: how do you create an expansive shape that radiants confidence and credibility to audiences? Your content: is your message easy to quickly understand? Are you believable? Engaging?
And once you have achieved all this - the biggest question: WHY should audiences care?
This is Moving Speaker’s niche: moving people to care and act.
Photo: Hinemoana Baker speaking at THE bEAR.
Storytelling is the most powerful form of communication. Why? Science has proven what we have realized intuitively for 500,000 years: because we all have stories to tell - stories connect.
Stories allows listeners to see a different perspective; Understand complex topics more easily. Stories is THE way to get listeners to care and be moved to act.
So why aren’t you telling more stories?
Learn how to tell stories for leadership, motivation, education, sales, and and any other high-stake situation where you need a full-proof solution to convince audiences.
Stories transform eyes into ears.
Is it possible to share a complex idea in a 3-minute pitch and get people interested to find out more? Yes it is! I guided a team of entrepreneurs to convince the jury of their business idea in a high-stake competition. They won two awards!

Why just speak? When every time you stand up you have the opportunity to change your world - with each talk, story, and presentation you deliver!
Your greatest speaking asset is you
I believe there are countless ways to be a better speaker. Some speakers convince us with the originality of their ideas, others with their intellect or charm; still others it’s their commitment and passion; or their wit and warmness; their personality or poesie. For as many people we are in the world - that is how many ways there are to effectively express yourself so people listen. When you stand up and speak in the unique mix of talent, skills, and perspective that is entirely yours - you are almost there. By adding more skill to your structure, more dynamic to your voice, more emotion and presence in your delivery - people will be moved to action: whether it’s to consider an idea, change a behavior or attitude, buy a service or product.
All that can happen! If you act…
Last week, my client Gökmen Güven, co-founder & CEO of Buluttan in Istanbul, Turkey said to me: “Dyane, what I learned today is not just for my pitch, it’s something for my life!”
I agree: Getting better at communications skill IS a life essential skill.